The project reveals global and local relationship in tangible and virtual space, creating new liquid flux, mutable galleries, exhibitions, events and bars. All activities are part of the structur, it's a work in process. Merginzone is about communication, space andd connection. It launched a zone to catalyze thought and actions. Space between things is Merginzone, neither virtual nor concrete, a model for thinking and acting.

What is received is not what is intended, is the effect still communication? When meaning is diverted, is it still meaning? in space between things, it is happening. The space between art and artist, artist and public, public and commerce, commerce and art. The moment exist unexplained and unfinished, to be experienced.

11. Designers' Saterday
Design Preis Schweiz 05
150 Jahre ETH Zürich
DesignMai Berlin
Design Preis Schweiz 03
Messekonzept Sunrise
Schmid Telecom

Ausstellungsprojekt (Zürich-NYC)